It’s not what you sell that matters as much as how you sell it

The Digital Marketing Landscape

The Importance of Marketing


Digital Marketing Strategy

Goals & Objectives


Tactical Areas of Digital Marketing

Evaluation & Metrics


The Digital Marketing Landscape

This course will provide a practical and strategic foundation in the various forms of Online Advertising, Email Marketing and Pay-Per-Click(Display) platforms.

This will include developing a customer database, understanding behavioural targeting, profiling, and keeping customers engaged throughout the marketing cycle. Email marketing fundamentals and best practices related to the Canadian Anti-Spam Law.

Marketing is about conversations, and the Internet has become their hub. The Internet’s connection allows us to follow and track these conversations and provides entry points for all parties.


The Internet has undoubtedly changed the world. Never has it been so easy to access information, communicate with people all over the globe, and share articles, videos, photos, and all manner of media.

SEM MDP Instructor

Apart from Marketing, the digital world has revolutionized our business. It has eliminated geographical barriers, opened new operational process opportunities for buying behaviours, impacted financial management, cut out the middleman, expanded our abilities to conduct R&D (new tech and big data), changed how we manage customer relations and hire employees, and streamlined our support.

The Impact of the Internet on Business and Commerce


The Internet has led to an increasingly connected communications environment, and the growth of Internet usage has resulted in declining distribution of traditional media such as television, radio, newspapers and magazines. Marketing in this interconnected environment and using that connectivity to market is digital marketing.

What is Marketing?

Marketing is the set of activities and institutions for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value to customers, clients, partners, and society at large.

The Marketing Concept – Offer a product/service in a manner that consumers perceive as being better than their competitors.

Discussion time: what is the role of marketing in creating customer value, building relationships, and driving business growth?

The Marketing Mix

Product: Determines the level of quality, brand, package, size, and format.

Price: Implementing a ‘fair’ price for consumers while producing the desired profit for the organization.

Place: Also called distribution, these are actions to make a product available to customers in an efficient (and cost-effective) manner.

Promotion: Communications of the product and service, devising a message and delivering it efficiently using a variety of media channels.

The 10Ps are product, price, place, promotion, physical evidence, process, packaging, positioning, people, and personalization.

How Does Digital Fit in?

Digital marketing embraces a wide range of tactics for strategic execution, but a user-centric and cohesive approach to these tactics underpins its success.

How Does Digital Fit in?

Product: Digital opens the door to a new avenue of consumption (eBooks).

Price: Pricing structures, strategies, and policies can be specially tailored to the digital world (Automated pricing).

Place: Consumption of tangible and intangible products or services can now be acquired via online mediums (Amazon, Skip, Google Play, Spotify)

Promotion: takes up the bulk of the digital space. New types of digital media allow ads to be placed in the right places (where people spend their time) at the right times. Digital media can be combined with traditional media.


Discussion time: Is traditional Media dead? If not, what is the recommended amount spent on it?

The Importance of Marketing

And Digital’s Roll - The Marketing Process

The Marketing Process - Marketing On & Off
Categories of Media (Mix)
Media Mix - Marketing On & Off
Media Mix - Marketing On & Off

Advantages of Digital

  • More easily measurable.
  • Easier to target specifically.
  • Quicker to adjust (launch, collect, review, change)
  • Interactive.

But that doesn’t make it magical…

Digital Media is great! But it must be looked at as tactics, not a strategy

Earned Media Vs. Paid Media

Customer Data Platform: CDP

Crafting a Digital Marketing Strategy

The digital marketing strategy is derived directly from the overarching marketing strategy.

It dictates the most advantageous direction for an organization over a defined period and indicates which tactics and digital means should be used to execute this direction. 

Tactical areas Digital Marketing - Marketing On & Off

The full bucket

Factors That Contribute To ORMOnline reputation management

  • Owned media – Employee and customer stories, user-generated content (UGC), reviews, webinars, and brand-created content.
  • Paid media – Sponsored social posts, lead generation, affiliate programs, and native advertising.
  • Earned media – Media relations, influencer marketing, and PR.
  • Shared media – Community service and partnerships, co-branding campaigns, and organic social media posts.


Other areas that blend into these main categories:

  • Marketing Automation
  • Mobile Marketing
  • Video Marketing
  • SEM
  • Content Marketing
  • Digital Audio
  • Inbound
  • Influencer Marketing
  • Conversion Op


Inbound Marketing - MDP Instructor

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Marketing Acronyms - Marketing On & Off

Marketing Acronym Glossary

Online Advertising

Online advertising, also known as online marketing, internet advertising, digital advertising or web advertising, is a form of marketing and advertising that uses the Internet to promote products and services to audiences and platform users.

Google Ads - MDP Instructor

Online Advertising Advantage

Advertising’s main objective is usually to increase sales. It also aims to increase brand awareness and share of voice in the marketplace. 

Online advertising is a term often used to describe almost everything covered in digital marketing, but it mainly falls under promotional strategies. What we are focusing on for this course will be:

  • The top advertising platforms available
  • Search and text ads
  • Display, video, audio, and AI-type advertising via various platform types.
  • Affiliate, viral, and other forms of online advertising.



Email Marketing

Email marketing is a permission-based marketing effort that sends commercial messages using email. 

It involves using email to send advertisements, request business, or solicit sales or donations. It also leverages AI and Automation for seamless customer experiences.


Discussion time: should we still use Email Marketing?

The Power of Email

At its core, email marketing is a tool for customer relationship management (CRM). Used effectively, this extension of permission-based marketing can deliver one of the highest return on investments (ROI) of any digital marketing activity. 

It is one of the oldest yet most powerful of all digital marketing tactics. The power comes from the fact that it is:

  • Extremely cost-effective due to a low cost per contact.
  • Highly targeted.
  • Customisable on a mass scale.
  • Completely measurable.

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand and explain the practical and strategic foundation of online advertising and email marketing
  • Explain the leading digital advertising platforms, as well as related skills and issues such as keyword research, ad types, ad testing, bidding strategies, and search engine marketing. 
  • Explain the impact of AI and machine learning on digital advertising and email marketing
  • Have an in-depth understanding of social media and programmatic advertising.
  • Understand behavioural targeting and profiling.
  • Understand how to plan and deploy permission-based marketing techniques.
  • Implement and maintain an effective email marketing strategy.
  • Know how to develop a database of customers and stay engaged with them through the marketing cycle and sales funnel. 
  • Understand global (GDPR, FTC, Competition Bureau) privacy rules and regulations.

NOTE: Students should budget approximately $50 for course materials. The instructor will provide more information.

The Goal

This course will provide a practical and strategic foundation in the various forms of online advertising and pay-per-click platforms. 

It also delivers instruction on email marketing fundamentals and best practices related to the Canadian Anti-Spam Law. 

This will include developing a customer database, understanding behavioural targeting, profiling, and keeping customers engaged throughout the marketing cycle.

The Strategic & Tactical Foundation of Online Advertising

Aligning your digital advertising to the overall marketing strategy. Objectives & goals, understanding targeting and profiling.

What is Strategy?

Strategy is making an integrated set of choices that positions the organization to win.

It is the Blueprint Or North Star.

Strategy Informs Tactics

Strategy - Marketing On & Off
The Marketing Process - Marketing On & Off
Digital Marketing Strategy - Marketing On & Off

Digital Marketing Strategy

Digital marketing builds on and adapts the principles of traditional marketing strategy, using the opportunities and challenges offered by technology and the digital medium.

Digital marketing strategy is built directly into the Marketing strategy.

Search Engine Marketing - MDP Instructor



Takes into account your internal and external scans.

Covers your brand strategy.

Your customer needs and target market audience.

Competitive analysis.


The right questions

Who are you, and what about your identity makes you useful?

Who are your customers and what needs and wants do they have?

Who are your competitors? These might extend beyond organizations that compete with you based on price and product and could also be competition in the form of abstracts such as time and mindshare.

What is the context in which you are operating (social, political and economic factors) and how is this likely to change in the future?

Unique Value Proposition

The unique and appealing offer your company brings to its customers. The reasons people should notice you and take action.


Our store has a high-quality selection and amazing customer service. (Nordstrom)

Our store has a wide selection and low prices. (Walmart)

Our store has an incredible selection and fantastic convenience/delivery. (Amazon)


You’re probably not the only one your customers are looking at. So who else is out there, what do they offer, and how do you set yourself apart using a USP?

Why Bother With This?

Look at their product, price, brand and advertising, distribution, and anything else that differentiates them.

Ideally, this helps you spot or reinforce how you can set yourself apart by being different or better in some way.

SWOT analysis


There are many ways to segment. But all segmentation groups customers by meaningful traits into meaningful sizes.

Target, Segments, and Personas.

What is a customer or buyer persona?

A persona is a fictional, generalized representation of your ideal customers. They help you understand your customers better and make it easier for you to tailor content to different groups' specific needs, behaviors, and concerns. - HubSpot

What You Look For With Your Audience?

Where will you reach them? and where are they looking for your product?

Which Communication? News sites? Forums? Search engines?

Tools? Do they prefer email? Print? Text? Phone? In person?

Which Social Channels? Facebook? Reddit? Pinterest? Snapchat?

Goals & Objectives

Targets to Live by


Digital Marketing Strategy - Marketing On & Off

Goals & Objectives

Otherwise, you’ll have no idea if you succeeded!

Make Sure They’re Aligned with Business Goals.

Goals are hierarchical, like strategies. They will roll up to the corporate-level goals and objectives

Some general aims digital may help with…

Acquisition: Activities aimed at gaining new customers.

Retention: Activities to increase the likelihood of a customer purchasing again and/or increasing the profitability of those purchases.

Recovery: Activities aimed at recapturing past customers before they abandon you altogether.

Get a Bit More Specific

Goals that fit in with your financial objectives, stated in marketing terms might be:
Increase… Sales dollars, Mix of products, # of new accounts, Units sold, Market share, ROI or ROAS, Awareness, Conversion Rate, Market Share.

Goals and Objectives must be S.M.A.R.T

Specific: Goals should be clear, well-defined, and focused on a specific outcome or result, answering the questions: What? Why? Who? Where? and How?

Measurable: Goals should be quantifiable and include specific metrics or criteria for measuring progress and success, allowing for objective evaluation.

Achievable: Goals should be realistic and attainable, considering available resources, capabilities, and constraints, to ensure feasibility and motivation.


Relevant: Goals should be aligned with broader business objectives, strategic priorities, and the needs of stakeholders, contributing to overall success and value creation.

Time-bound: Goals should have a defined timeframe or deadline for completion, creating a sense of urgency and accountability, and preventing procrastination.


Too Vague:

I want more website visitors and sales. I want a more extensive email list. I want to rank #1 in Google. I want to have a blog.


Very Specific:

Attract 20,000 visitors, 500 leads and 12 customers in the next 12 months.

Generate 10 repeat sales from our current clients.

Increase organic search traffic to our website by 15%.

Increase brand awareness by 20% among 18-34 men.

SMART Example

Develop a furniture line for babies and children that will generate $50 million in revenues by 20XX.

Generate $30 million in revenues through expansion into the car rental industry by 20XX.

Ensure that by 20XX 90% of clients in program X can obtain services.

Diversify funding such that by 20XX no individual funder provides more than 25% of revenues.

By 20XX, improve our website so the bounce rate will be below 40%.

Ambiguous goals

Ensure Organization X has a sustainable funding model.

Reduce staff turnover.

Expand and grow program offerings throughout Manitoba.

Ensure Company X has a strong brand.

Ambiguous goals are okay ONLY if there are more concrete strategic objectives below the main goals or performance metrics that can provide additional detail and/or measurement.

Nested Goals (Also called Objectives)

1.0 Ensure Company X has a strong brand:
1.1. By 20XX, elevate social media presence by 20%
1.2. Improve website by 20XX through increased number of page views (25%)
1.3. Implement giveaway contest by Q3 20XX to increase brand awareness

Goals & Objectives Example

Acquire and onboard 5x new platform users through online channels to engage with our professional team by the end of Q4

Drive 300+ new leads per month through advertising campaigns. Building trust and credibility through nurturing relationships. Increasing communications by 50% Acquiring and growing new newsletter signups by 5% each month

Discussion Time: What is an important career goal you have established?
Could this goal be improved by applying the SMART goal concept?

Smart Goals - MDP Instructor

Value - Exchange

Digital Marketing Strategy - Marketing On & Off


A fair return or equivalent in goods, services, or money for something exchanged. received good value for the price.

Marketing Concept the whole firm is directed toward serving customers at a profit through an offering that is better, or perceived as better by their target.


  • Form utility: Marketing has a voice in designing products with customers’ desired features.
  • Time utility: Marketing creates a time utility by providing products when customers will want them.
  • Place utility: Marketing creates a place utility by providing products where customers will want them.
  • Possession utility: Marketing creates a possession utility by transferring product ownership to customers by setting selling prices, setting terms for customer credit payments if needed, and providing ownership documents.


Delivering Value

Value = Benefits/Costs

Utility: adding value

Primary and Added

Primary Value – The intrinsic value of a product or service from this base use of consumption.

Value-Add – Can be referred to as secondary value. Anything beyond the primary value that hold utility beyond the base use of consumption. (i.e. brand value, intangibles, perceptions, secondary use case, etc.)

Real value or value = Primary value Total value with variables = Exchange value

Value Exchange

Digital can achieve many things in terms of users and value creation. As a vital part of the value chain, digital can help optimize activities that are performed internally to help each business function work together to create more end value for the consumer.

A company’s value chain consists of two types of activities:
- Primary activities that create value.
- Requisite support activities to enhance performance and create added value

Discussion Time: Can you think of some examples?


Digital Marketing Strategy - Marketing On & Off
Tactical areas Digital Marketing - Marketing On & Off

Evaluation & Metrics

  • With evaluation, we Analyze collected data to measure performance against KPIs, identify trends, and gain insights into user behavior. Use reporting dashboards, custom reports, and data visualization tools to present findings in a clear and actionable format.
  • A web analytics measurement model is a framework for defining key performance indicators (KPIs) and tracking a website’s or online campaign’s effectiveness. It helps businesses understand user behavior, measure the impact of marketing efforts, and optimize website performance.
  • This tool cleans through the muck and allows you to focus on what matters.
Digital Marketing Strategy - Marketing On & Off
Evaluation & Metrics - Marketing On & Off


Digital Marketing Strategy - Marketing On & Off


Use insights from data analysis to inform website optimization strategies and marketing initiatives. Test and iterate on website elements, content, messaging, and marketing campaigns to improve performance and achieve business objectives.


The growing necessity for an organisation to remain dynamic and agile ties in with metrics and should be considered in the early stages of strategy formulation, as well as being a continuous process of refining and optimizing tactics.

The user experience and journey are vital to building successful brands and maximizing profit potential. 


Budget should be set aside upfront to be dedicated to the analysis of user data and the optimisation of conversion paths. Social thinking and socially informed innovation are also valuable and uniquely suited to the online space.

Socially powered insight can inform strategic decisions and execute various areas of the organisation, from product roadmaps to service plans. 

How Does Online Advertising & Email Integrate?

What Part Do They Play in Digital Strategy?

Online Advertising & Email

Online Advertising - Marketing On & Off

Online Advertising

Online advertising plays a vital part in everything in the digital marketing approach, from insight to setting objectives, tactical execution, and optimization of marketing approaches based off metrics.

The main advertising objective is to increase sales by raising brand awareness online. It can also be more interactive and, therefore, less disruptive than traditional or non-interactive online advertising, as users can choose to engage with the ad.

Online advertising can be optimized by targeting it to certain geographies and specific markets and contextualizing it.

What is Online Advertising

Email Marketing - Marketing On & Off

Email Marketing

Email Marketing is a form of direct marketing that uses electronic means to deliver commercial messages to an audience. It is extremely cost-effective, highly targeted, customizable on a mass scale, and completely measurable, making it one of the most powerful digital marketing tactics.

Email marketing is a tool for building relationships with potential and existing customers. It should maximize the retention and value of these customers, ultimately leading to greater profitability for the organisation. A targeted, segmented email database means that a brand can direct messages to specific sectors of its customer base to achieve the best results.

AI and machine learning, coupled with customer information, can help create the right messages and optimize email tactics to be very effective.

Maintains cost-effectiveness and helps with the value exchange.

Next Steps:

  • Review Assignment 1 – Structured Google Ads Campaigns in the assessment section
  • Open a Google Ads account
  • Set up for Google Ads Certificate

How to

Google Ads Account

Google Ads - MDP Instructor
  1. Website (
  2. Credit Card(you won’t be charged)
  3. Google Account
  4. Address in Canada

Deactivate or delete the campaign you have created to get access to Google Ads

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